Meet Debbie
Speaker, Emerging Author, Licensed Psychotherapist, Founder of the MindBrand Method.
Debbie Gottlieb, LCSW has diverse interntional training in psychotherapy, spirituality, yoga, breathwork and over 14 years of experience in her private psychotherapy practice.
She has been a seeker of inner truth for as long as she can remember. She read her first self help book when she was 8 years old and has been applying mind body principles and techniques for years. Along her journey of self discovery she discovered her soul, which has led to the most freeing and transformative experiences of her life. Alongside Debbie's commitment to live from her soul and teach others to do the same, she has a passion for salsa dancing, loves animals, values family, adores hiking, enjoys yoga and loves exploring new places.
How I can Help
"Before Debbie spoke I was very intrigued at the thought of inner well being. However as she spoke I saw myself going from being merely intrigued to diving deep into discovery. Her calm, amicable and engaging presence made me immediately feel as if I was in a safe environment where I could be nurtured to grow. After her talk I, I left with practical tools, heightened awareness and a desire to dive even deeper into how I can live a more fulfilling and satisfying life. I believe with the insight she gave that I will be a better person in my work, relational and spiritual life."
"Debbie’s teaching has taught me a lot about how to feel and experience my emotions rather than trying to control them, and that has made it much easier for me to navigate my emotions and needs. Her method applies to all of the different settings and experiences in my life, and it helps me to center myself and stay connected to myself in each of those settings. When I apply Debbie’s techniques in my life, I feel more confident in my decisions and more sure of myself."
"I have become more aware as well as have a bag of tricks I can use to combat anxiety and stress that I did not have before implementing Debbie's method. I would recommend and have recommended Debbie to numerous friends and coworkers throughout the years and will continue to do so.”

“I learned and practiced techniques that helped me to quiet my mind and find my inner strength again. I highly recommend this retreat to anyone who would like to reconnect to who they truly are. Debbie you are an amazing person and thank you for this truly magical experience!”
Mariela G.

“I needed help finding a way to settle my mind and body. The retreat taught me the skills to do it. It is now two weeks since the retreat and I feel the most at ease I have felt in a long time. ”
Chris N.

“Debbie's teachings were done in a way that compounded knowledge in a step by step format. It all seems more simple than I thought or could imagine. I feel realigned, recentered, refocused and reenergized.”
Carmen A.